
Hello world, I'm Ashley Kang! I use design, code, and research to explore questions about how to make the secure thing easier to do as a senior security engineer building security UX. I love a coffee shop open late, care too much about skincare and home decor, and picked up surfskating (GRLSWIRL <3) while rebuilding my life.

I have a MS in computer science (proud Offensive Security Society alum!) and a BA in a self-designed liberal arts concentration in art, media studies, and computer science. I bring an interdisplinary, cross-functional, and cross-industry range of training and experience in:

I'm always open to learning about full-time opportunities in these areas that facilitate remote work, work-life balance, and sponsorship + mentorship.


Credits: Designed and developed by yours truly (© 2025 Ashley Kang), layout help from SuperHi, typeset with Fugaz One and Work Sans from Google Fonts, compressed with Squoosh and Optimizilla

p5.js Showcase

Purpose: How might we showcase a p5.js project to increase access to the open source JavaScript library and inspire others to contribute to the Processing community in many different ways?

Solution: p5js.org/showcase — A Google Summer of Code 2019 project to create a new 6-part section on the p5.js documentation website that showcases creative and inclusive uses of p5.js and encourages project nominations; officially released in February 2020 with p5.js version 1.0 and curated in 2020-2022 by student contributors Connie Liu, Katie Chan, and Annie Zheng


Image: An early iteration of the p5.js Showcase homepage, featuring the headline "Showcase" and an introduction to the project

CLEAN Carwash LA

Purpose: How might we update the CLEAN Carwash LA website to better present who they are as an organization today and support their fundraising efforts?

Solution: cleancarwash.org — A complete website redesign for CLEAN Carwash LA (Color Coded’s first community partner) to strengthen reach to 20+ car washes across LA, 5 foundation grants (now 13!), and community donors


Image: An early prototype of the new CLEAN Carwash website's "About" section using WordPress CMS, featuring a header image of CLEAN's community, their mission statement, and information about how to support their mission


Purpose: How might we connect conscious consumers in Los Angeles with small local businesses (like freelancers and co-ops) that don’t necessarily have an online presence?

Solution: locales.la — A digital platform that highlights small businesses and encourages locals to recommend a business to be featured (Color Coded's first internal project); launched in November 2016


Image: Whiteboard wireframes of the form to "Recommend a Business" for Locales, featuring desktop and mobile views



Culturally competent mental health care helped save my life: